Belgian Strong Ale - Belgium - 325 beers. | Birrapedia

Belgian Strong Ale - Belgium - 325 beers.

Brouwerij Het Nest SchuppenBoer Maxima

Brouwerij Het Nest SchuppenBoer Maxima
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,54

Belgian Strong Ale - 14 º

7 Prices Netherlands Belgium Denmark

Achel Dubbel - 8 Bruin

Achel Dubbel - 8 Bruin
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,68

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º - 24 IBU

Dubbel - 8 Bruin Formerly known as Achel 8° Bruin. Ale Trapense. De un color caoba muy bello ...y una espuma beige bastante abundante. Es una cerveza elaborada con una perfecta unión de sabores a frutos secos donde el alcohol casi no se nota y con aromas a caramelo, pasas y uvas.

52 Prices Spain Italy Belgium Switzerland Netherlands Poland France Denmark Greece Viet Nam

VDC Retail Al Baraque, On Trinque!

VDC Retail Al Baraque, On Trinque!
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,43

Belgian Strong Ale - 10 º

1 Price France

Malheur 10

Malheur 10
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,82

Belgian Strong Ale - 10 º - 25 IBU

Malheur 10 Color rubio dorado con una espuma blanca y densa. Aroma de rosas y melocotón con ...notas de especias y restos de cáscara de naranja y limón.

31 Prices Spain Italy Belgium Netherlands France Mexico Denmark Viet Nam Switzerland

Duvel Moortgat Duvel Barrel Aged (2021) - Batch 6 Jamaican Rum Edition

Duvel Moortgat Duvel Barrel Aged (2021) - Batch 6 Jamaican Rum Edition
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,85

Belgian Strong Ale - 11.5 º - 40 IBU

2 Prices Spain Australia

Moinette Ambrée

Moinette Ambrée
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,52

Belgian Strong Ale - 8.5 º - 35 IBU

Moinette Ambrée La Moinette ambrée est une bière ambrée de fermentation ...ute;senter une trilogie centrée sur un de nos produits phares, la Moinette. Sa couleur, son goût et ses arômes sont le résultat du brassage d’un mélange de 5 mal ...

18 Prices Spain Italy France Belgium Netherlands Denmark

Augustijn Blond

Augustijn Blond
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,53

Belgian Strong Ale - 7.5 º - 21 IBU

Augustijn Blond - Zwijntje Fruity beer with respect for tradition 7.0% Colour: amber blonde wit ... ull-bodied and mild with malt and hops and a slight touch of vanilla
 Finish: slightly bitter and smooth Craft beer with a mild, soft, but very rich flavour --------------- En 1295 los frailes a ...

41 Prices Spain Italy Belgium Netherlands Russian Federation Portugal New Zealand Denmark United Kingdom France

De Achelse Kluis Achel Gallant - Jubileum

De Achelse Kluis Achel Gallant - Jubileum
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,78

Belgian Strong Ale - 9.5 º

6 Prices Belgium Italy Netherlands

Gallico Taxandria Copper Ale

Gallico Taxandria Copper Ale
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,57

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º

3 Prices Belgium

Caracole Ambrée

Caracole Ambrée
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,36

Belgian Strong Ale - 7.5 º

Caracole Ambrée Belgian Amber Ale Cerveza artesanal de color naranja ámbar, con toqu ... compleja donde la cocción se realiza en horno de leña. Tiene unos aromas florales y dulces que resaltan en boca junto con sabores especiados que hacen que esta cerveza tenga un fi ...

15 Prices Spain Italy Belgium Netherlands


De Brouwmoaten WUK Blond+

De Brouwmoaten WUK Blond+
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,40

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º

1 Price Belgium

The Brew Society Martha Sexy Blond

The Brew Society Martha Sexy Blond
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,51

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º - 30 IBU

17 Prices Netherlands Italy Belgium Russian Federation France

Brasserie Minne La Trouffette Rousse

Brasserie Minne La Trouffette Rousse
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,32

Belgian Strong Ale - 7.5 º

2 Prices France

Augustijn Grand Cru

Augustijn Grand Cru
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,59

Belgian Strong Ale - 9 º

Augustijn Grand Cru Unique tripel 9.0% Colour: straw with a white head
 lcohol by volume: 9.0% - 18. ...dry and bitter
 Unique, excellent beer that is the perfect accompaniment to seafood ----------- Cerveza de abadía, tipo tripel, 9 % de alcohol, de alta fermentación y con segunda fe ...

32 Prices Spain Italy Belgium Netherlands Russian Federation New Zealand Denmark France

Brouwerij De Poes Blond(e)

Brouwerij De Poes Blond(e)
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,58

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º - 30 IBU

21 Prices Italy Netherlands Belgium Russian Federation France

Deca Brouwerij Vleteren 8 Blond

Deca Brouwerij Vleteren 8 Blond
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,37

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º

Vleteren 8 Blond - Antiek Blonde Vleteren 8 blond is een blond bier gebrouwen volgens een rece ...ndig moutig karakter en fruitige toetsen. Het is een bier dat excelleert in eenvoud. ----------------- Profundo, color dorado, aroma dulce a malta, caramelo, afrutada, con cuerpo, final ligeram ...

10 Prices Spain Belgium Netherlands

Pauwel Kwak

Pauwel Kwak
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,76

Belgian Strong Ale - 8.1-8.4 º - 20 IBU

Pauwel Kwak Cerveza especial belga, 8% de alcohol, de alta fermentación y filtrada. Admirada ... riqueza sin par. Todavía hoy, entre el Escalda y el Dendra, una cervecería artesanal se esfuerza por mantener la tradición y elabora para su placer la única cerveza d ...

192 Prices Spain Italy Brazil United Kingdom Netherlands Switzerland Belgium Austria Ireland Hungary Mexico Poland Czech Republic Denmark Russian Federation France Portugal New Zealand Malta Germany Singapore Cyprus Viet Nam

De Proefbrouwerij Teusser Bertem

De Proefbrouwerij Teusser Bertem
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,36

Belgian Strong Ale - 7 º

1 Price Belgium

Kasteel Barista Chocolate Quad

Kasteel Barista Chocolate Quad
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,77

Belgian Strong Ale - 11 º

Kasteel Barista Chocolate Quad También conocida como Kasteel Winter Kasteel Barista Chocolate ...o, café, malta tostada - Temperatura recomendada de servicio: 12 ºC - Sabor: A caramelo, cacao, malta tostada y chocolate. ...

65 Prices Spain Chile Mexico Belgium Netherlands Austria United Kingdom Poland Slovakia Czech Republic Denmark Hungary Cyprus Viet Nam France Lithuania


Brasserie de la Croix Sainte Nitouche Blonde

Brasserie de la Croix Sainte Nitouche Blonde
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,46

Belgian Strong Ale - 9.5 º

1 Price Belgium

Brasserie Houppe - Brasserie Artisanale de Namur La Houppe

Brasserie Houppe - Brasserie Artisanale de Namur La Houppe
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,62

Belgian Strong Ale - 7.5 º

4 Prices Belgium France

Brouwerij Kompel St-Barbara Salvatoris

Brouwerij Kompel St-Barbara Salvatoris
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,57

Belgian Strong Ale - 8.5 º - 20 IBU

6 Prices Netherlands Belgium

La Rulles La Grande 10

La Rulles La Grande 10
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,69

Belgian Strong Ale - 10 º - 46 IBU

La Rulles La Grande 10

3 Prices Italy Portugal

Gouden Carolus UL.T.R.A.

Gouden Carolus UL.T.R.A.
starstarstarstar_borderstar_border 2,97

Belgian Strong Ale - 3.7 º - 25 IBU

Gouden Carolus UL.T.R.A. Ultimate Taste, Reduced Alcohol Gouden Carolus UL.T.R.A. combines the ultim ...oth and slightly spiced with a dry aftertaste. ---------------- Gouden Carolus UL.T.R.A. verenigt de ultieme smaak met minder alcohol, om meer van te genieten. Dit Belgisch speciaalbier is heerli ...

1 Price Spain

BOMBrewery Triporteur Belgian Oak Vintage 2023

BOMBrewery Triporteur Belgian Oak Vintage 2023
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,69

Belgian Strong Ale - 9.2 º

1 Price Belgium

Abbaye d’Aulne Super Noël

Abbaye d’Aulne Super Noël
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,40

Belgian Strong Ale - 9 º

Abbaye d’Aulne Super Noël Available October to December. Bière traditionnelle de haute ...fermentation sur lie, refermentée en bouteille, élaborée à partir d’une sélection soignée d’orge et de houblon sans additif chimique.

4 Prices Belgium Italy Switzerland

Brasserie St-Feuillien Grand Cru Acacia Wood Aged

Brasserie St-Feuillien Grand Cru Acacia Wood Aged
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,55

Belgian Strong Ale - 9.5 º - 27 IBU

1 Price Belgium

Brouwerij Toye Goedendag

Brouwerij Toye Goedendag
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,49

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º - 30 IBU

7 Prices Belgium Netherlands

Abbaye des Rocs Triple Impériale

Abbaye des Rocs Triple Impériale
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,66

Belgian Strong Ale - 10 º - 30 IBU

Abbaye Des Rocs Triple Impériale - Brasserie Des Rocs Triple Impériale Cerevza A ...nbsp;métodos tradicionales con fermentación doble y sin filtrar, en su elaboración se utilizan hasta siete tipos de maltas lo que conformnan un perfil muy interesante rico en ...

8 Prices Belgium Netherlands Portugal Denmark France


Delirium Deliria

Delirium Deliria
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,62

Belgian Strong Ale - 8.5 º - 32 IBU

Deliria Colour and appearance: a pale blonde colour and fine creamy-white head which clings to the ...aroma is very balanced with a fruity, flowery background and an initial Chardonnay impression which evolves into a spicy, mild aroma of hops. Taste: Full-bodied and balanced with fruity tones of ...

21 Prices Spain Mexico Belgium Netherlands Italy Russian Federation United States New Zealand Denmark Chile

Caracole Nostradamus

Caracole Nostradamus
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,59

Belgian Strong Ale - 9 º

Caracole Nostradamus Una cerveza fuerte de color ambar oscuro, con una espuma beige de buena perman ...medio. Olor dulce rebosante de frutas maduras, sobretodo ciruelas y cerezas, y perfectamente nivelado por un punto de acidez de manzana. Color marrón rojizo con reflejos pardos y dos ded ...

9 Prices Spain Italy Netherlands Belgium France

De Dolle Boskeun

De Dolle Boskeun
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,70

Belgian Strong Ale - 10 º - 30 IBU

De Dolle Boskeun Speciaal Paasbier Cerveza que destaca por su dulzor de azúcar de ca&nt ...ilde;a y miel, su especiado moderado y su aroma a lúpulo.

18 Prices Spain Italy Belgium Denmark Netherlands Portugal United States

Flurkbrouwers Flurk

Flurkbrouwers Flurk
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,43

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º

1 Price Belgium

Brouwerij Verhaeghe Barbe 10 / Barbe X

Brouwerij Verhaeghe Barbe 10 / Barbe X
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,53

Belgian Strong Ale - 10 º

2 Prices Belgium

Trappist Westvleteren 8

Trappist Westvleteren 8
starstarstarstarstar_border 4,19

Belgian Strong Ale - 8 º - 35 IBU

Trappist Westvleteren 8 Dark amber colour. Crowned with an abundant and strong lacing head. The aro ...el. The different flavours of this beer lead to a harmonious yet complex taste. One tastes the malts, as it were, up to barley husk. The aftertaste is characterised by a distinct and striking hop ...

47 Prices Spain Denmark Italy Belgium Netherlands Poland Czech Republic Portugal

Delirium Nocturnum

Delirium Nocturnum
starstarstarstarstar_border 3,76

Belgian Strong Ale - 9 º - 24 IBU

Cerveza especial belga, 9% de alcohol de alta fermentación, con dos fermentaciones en tanque ...elirium Nocturnum, prima hermana de la Delirium Tremens es una cerveza oscura, calurosa y transparente, con aromas de malta, caramelo y nueces. La Delirium Nocturnum muestra una mezcla de dulzor ...

144 Prices Spain Chile Mexico Uruguay Italy Brazil Belgium Germany Netherlands United Kingdom Ireland Poland Slovakia Czech Republic United States Denmark Switzerland Russian Federation Portugal New Zealand France Hungary Singapore Greece Cyprus Viet Nam

Duvel Moortgat Duvel Barrel Aged Batch 6 Bourbon 2017

Duvel Moortgat Duvel Barrel Aged Batch 6 Bourbon 2017
starstarstarstarstar_border 4,09

Belgian Strong Ale - 0 º

1 Price Spain

Kapittel Watou Prior

Kapittel Watou Prior
starstarstarstar_halfstar_border 3,45

Belgian Strong Ale - 9 º - 30 IBU

Kapittel Watou Prior Kapittel Prior 9° is een donkerbruin bier van hoge gisting met nagisting i ... neemt men eerst de zachte smaak van geroosterd mout waar, waarna deze overgaat in de complexe toetsen van rozijnen, karamel en de fruitige toets van kruiden. -------------------------- Kapitte ...

23 Prices Spain Italy Netherlands United Kingdom Belgium New Zealand France

Brasserie de l

Brasserie de l'Abbaye du Val-Dieu Excellence du Val-Dieu (2023)
starstarstarstarstar_border 4,12

Belgian Strong Ale - 11.5 º

1 Price Netherlands


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Belgian Strong Ale - Belgium - 325 beers.